Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment Services

Treatment for alcohol and substance abuse works. When a person decides to seek help for an alcohol or drug abuse problem, they face a number of hurdles. He or she may be uncertain about whether they really have a problem. They may be discouraged because their past efforts at managing their alcohol or drug use have not succeeded.

Dr. Musser’s approach to individual treatment is grounded in psychological science and the understanding that there are multiple paths to successful recovery. Treatment starts with helping the person form a clear understanding of his or her problems with alcohol or substance misuse. This includes: identifying current problems caused by alcohol and drugs, how the person’s substance abuse is affecting his or her physical and mental health, the effect their use is having on family and friends, the problems it may be causing at work and in the wider world. Based on this information, you and Dr. Musser will develop personalized goals and specific strategies to meet those goals. Research-based strategies include motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy as well as concurrently addressing co-occurring mental health concerns.

Frequently, if not invariably, substance abuse and behavioral health disorders stem from deeper issues. As a Ph.D. level psychologist, Dr. Musser believes that treating these issues with proven behavioral health approaches is the only way to lay the foundation for permanent recovery and ongoing emotional wellness.

Dr. Musser encourages involvement in support groups such as AA, NA or SMART Recovery although he is very aware that these modalities do not work for every individual and often there are legitimate barriers to people’s involvement in self-help support groups (e.g., anxiety, depression). Where appropriate, Dr. Musser may recommend psychiatric and/or neurological consultations. As part of a comprehensive treatment plan, Dr. Musser actively supports the use of medications to help people find recovery. These medications may include: Campral to reduce cravings, Antabuse to provide support for abstinence, naltrexone for alcohol and opioid abuse, and Suboxone for opioid dependence.

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Evaluation

An evaluation can be helpful if:

  • You have worries about your use of alcohol or other substances.
  • You have tried to make changes on your own but find it difficult to keep those changes going.
  • You are currently (or have been) in treatment but are not making the progress that you had hoped for, or the situation is getting worse.

An evaluation involves meeting with Dr. Musser to find out your current concerns, obtaining a personal history, and psychological testing to identify other factors that may be affecting your alcohol or drug use. The evaluation concludes with a detailed feedback session about diagnoses, personal strengths and weaknesses, barriers to change, and treatment recommendations. Questions and discussion are encouraged throughout the process. Dr. Musser approaches each evaluation with an open mind and with no set assumptions. Recommendations are based on the needs and goals of the individual.

Relapse Prevention Treatment

While he is often part of initial treatment for substance abuse or providing a continuum of care following higher levels of treatment (e.g., inpatient or intensive outpatient treatments), Dr. Musser appreciates working with individuals following relapse. Following a return to substance use, individuals often feel intense shame and feelings of failure. Frequently support networks that have been built are lost and people feel very stuck and alone. Dr. Musser is attuned to focusing on what can be learned from a return to substance abuse and helping individuals come to terms with their return to use as not inherently bad but as a potential catalyst for growth. When relapse occurs, Dr. Musser collaborates with individuals to explore lifestyle patterns and relapse triggers to develop effective relapse prevention strategies.

Additionally, Individuals in long-term recovery may never return to use but often experience barriers to their emotional wellness. Dr. Musser understands relapse as a “Process” and the event of returning to substance use as an “Event” that punctuates the relapse process. While you may never return to substance use, but if substance abuse has been part of your past and you are hitting a stuck point, Dr. Musser can help you identify thought and behavior patterns that can be changed to re-engage emotional satisfaction in your life.