Words of Appreciation
Dr. Musser “Gets it.” He understood me as an individual more than I understood myself. I never imagined that I would enjoy waking up and living life each day as much as I do now. Thanks Dr. Musser for helping to show me the way.
I would recommend Dr. Musser to anyone wanting to work through emotional and/or life issues and looking for a kind, insightful and encouraging psychologist to help them navigate the course.
Life is so much better know because I allowed Dr. Musser to help me understand myself. When I walked into his office I didn’t want to be there because I was scared and no one had ever helped me in the past. Not even my family was there for me but Dr. Musser may be the most accepting person I have ever met. He helped me put my past behind me and embrace life moving forward.
Dr. Musser helped me by identifying the core issues that have been a big part of my pain over the years. He did for me what no other doctor was able to do in the 20 years before I started working with him. I will be eternally grateful for his insight, unwavering support and guidance. My work with him has allowed me to live a peaceful, content and meaningful life.
It is extremely gratifying that, year after year, current and past clients continue to be a primary referral source. To me, this indicates that they have been encouraged and feel that they have benefitted from our work together.